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"OMGs.... love my Face Blaster! I only do 30-45 strokes for each area... super light and fast!! I'll be 45 in October. I don't ice or heat my face. I've never had laser, peels, or injectables ever in my life. I do this about 5x a week."
"50 yrs old (10 lbs heavier) and more comfortable than ever in my own skin because of fascia blasting! I have severely damaged Car wreck fascia that is slowly but surely healing...#blasterforlife. I now mainly do one full fascia blast session per week with a small heater in a washroom (which takes about 45 minutes) and 2-3 x per week 5-10 minutes in the shower doing legs with most focus on thighs. Never stop taking care of yourself! Thanks, Ashley Black!!!"
"The difference in weight between the 1st and 3rd picture is about 10 pounds. I spend about 5 minutes per area and focus on one area at a time, but do my whole body. I blast about 3 to 5 times per week. I blast over my actual butt cheeks with the face blaster and use the scraping technique with the mini 1 on my saddle bag areas. In addition to blasting, I did the heartbutt exercises 3 to 5 times per week."
"I took a chance on trying a new massage tool and got my life back! Having been athletic my entire life I couldn’t understand why I was in my 40s with debilitating pain throughout my body from head to toe. The Fasciablaster’s unique ability to remodel connective tissue has allowed me to live my life without limitations and to make a difference in the lives of others through my teachings and treatments. Finding the Fasciablasters changed my personal and professional life. I highly recommend them for self-use and anyone in the bodywork profession."
"I blasted once a day during this period following Ashley’s videos on freshly steamed skin. I switched to once a week shortly after the last pic in 2017. Today, at 50 years old I am happy with my face. I haven’t had any injections or fillers on my face. I tune-up my face about one to two times a month but I blast my scalp daily still."
"Even a 62-year-old can achieve great results. The bonus was in the process of maintaining my pain management, and in one year I smoothed out my cellulite too. I blast in the shower with shampoo for 10 mins total, 2-3 days a week. Patience paid off. Thank you, Ashley!!!"
"I started blasting my arms with the "mini" last week! I don't lift weights and don't do push-ups. Using my FasciaBlaster on my legs feels like an upper body workout! The FasciaBlaster and Mini Blaster ROCK! so my results are from the mini( only one week)."
"Tonight I felt a little better and thought omg I need to use my new face blaster. So one on light is natural lighting one on right is tonight in artificial lighting but still the difference is noticeable."
"Here are the results. Full body for 7 days straight then light blasting for 5 days and back at it again for the 4 days leading up to this pic." (used MasterBlaster)
of the year 2020
Innovator of
the year 2019
1st ted talk
about fascia
1st #1 best selling
book about fascia
Fastest-growing private
companies in America