Because fascia is the main sensory organ and communication system, it’s essential for the mind-body connection to every muscle – including the glutes. Fascia can also bind the skin to the muscles, fat, and other structures which can prevent full access to blood flow, nerves, and muscles which can slow down progress on your Heart Butt.
Heat and oil up, then use the FaceBlaster™ for a few minutes of light blasting. Then use the larger claws of the Mini1™, Mini2™, or FasciaBlaster® to blast the love handles, “high butt”, low sides, and glute-hamstring tie-in. You’ll also want to add in some full-body FasciaBlasting sessions.
Step 1: Heat
You can read pages 138-143 from my bestselling book “The Cellulite Myth” for more information on heating the tissue both internally and externally and the science behind it!
Step 2: Oil up and prep the tissue with a few minutes of light, brisk FasciaBlasting
If you have the FaceBlaster™, this is the perfect tool to start out with.
You can use the techniques in this playlist: