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Every muscle and structure in your body is enveloped and joined by an interconnected tissue network. This tissue is called fascia, and massaging it with The FasciaBlaster® can provide a number of benefits* including:

  • Lessening the look of cellulite
  • Reducing pain
  • Accelerating muscle recovery
  • Improving blood flow
  • Increasing flexibility

* Actual results may vary

Additional Benefits 


Reduce the appearance of cellulite

Smoothes the skin texture

Improve blood flow/circulation

Improve sports performance

Improve athletic performance

Improve muscle function

Accelerate muscle recovery

Improve muscle performance

Improve nerve activity

Reduce fat

Reduce subcutaneous fat

Improve metabolism / metabolic rate

Reduce inflammation

Helps reduce pain

We have seen transformational results in thousands of users and have thousands of testimonials and results.

Ashley Black is a pioneer in the study and science of fascia and is a #1 bestselling author on the subject ( The Cellulite Myth: It’s Not Fat It’s Fascia).

Ashley Black Guru has 1,000,000+ followers on Facebook and additionally has a private women’s-only Facebook support group with more than 340,000 members - one of the largest on the platform.