The Cellulite Myth Resources:
P 62: Click here for more information on “gummy” and “hail damage” cellulite.
P 77: Click here for pictures of incredible FasciaBlaster® results.
P 81: Cellectrolytes™ coming soon! Click here for information on diet, exercise, hydration, and the electrolytes I recommend.
CH 5:
P 89: Click here to read the research behind my Blaster Oil™.
P 92: Click here for the research findings
P 94: Click here to order your FasciaBlaster® products.
P 106: Click here to message your pictures to my team for personal evaluation.
P 118: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations exercises.
P 134 Click here for resources on managing your eating and exercise.
P 136 Click here for video tutorials to help you as you progress.
P 142: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations exercises.
P 163: Click here to watch video tutorials on how to use the Nugget.
P 165: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations Exercises.
P 165: Click here to listen to the “Body Hacks” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare podcast.
P 167: Click here to message my team for personal evaluation!
P 174: Click here to listen to the “Body Hacks” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare radio show.
P 192: Click here for a video tutorial on neural flossing.
P 193: Click here to listen to the “Pre & Postnatal Care” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare radio show.
P 195: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations Exercises.
Reference Links:
Schleip, Robert. “Fascial Plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation Part 1.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2003. 7(1);11-19
Schleip, Robert. “Fascial Plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation Part 2.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2003. 7(1);11-19
Training Principles for Fascial Connective Tissue
Acute effects of anterior thigh foam rolling on hip angle, knee angle, and rectus femoris length in the modified Thomas test.
Lysosome: regulator of lipid degradation pathways
[Fibroblasts and the development of the connective tissue: ultrastructural aspects of biosynthesis, fibrillogenesis and catabolism of collagen].
Effects of self-myofascial release: A systematic review
Sensory innervation of human thoracolumbar fascia. An immunohistochemical study
Nutrient supply and intervertebral disc metabolism.
Increased sliding of transverse abdominis during contraction after myofascial release in patients with chronic low back pain
Differences in electromyograhie activity in the multifidus muscle and ilicostalis lumborum between healthy subjects and patients with sub-acute and chronic low back pain.
Equal Improvement in Men and Women in the Treatment of Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Using a Multi-modal Protocol with an Internal Myofascial Trigger Point Wand.
Johansson H et al. 1991 Receptors in the knee joint ligaments and their role in the biomechanics of the joint. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 18(5): 341–368
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Meyers, Thomas W. 2001. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists.
Bauer J, Heine H 1998 Akupunkturpunkte und Fibromyalgie – Mo ̈ glichkeiten chirurgischer Intervention. Biologische Medizin 6: 257–261
References: Fat lysis/metabolism
1. Cinti S. Adipocyte differentiation and transdifferentiation
Brown Adipose Tissue: Function and Physiological Significance
A PGC1-α-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis