Ashley Black Ashley Black

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The Cellulite Myth – Book Resources

The Cellulite Myth – Book Resources

The Cellulite Myth Resources:


P 62: Click here for more information on “gummy” and “hail damage” cellulite.



P 77: Click here for pictures of incredible FasciaBlaster® results.

P 81: Cellectrolytes™ coming soon! Click here for information on diet, exercise, hydration, and the electrolytes I recommend.


CH 5:

P 89: Click here to read the research behind my Blaster Oil™.

P 92: Click here for the research findings

P 94: Click here to order your FasciaBlaster® products.



P 106: Click here to message your pictures to my team for personal evaluation.

P 118: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations exercises.



P 134 Click here for resources on managing your eating and exercise.

P 136 Click here for video tutorials to help you as you progress.



P 142: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations exercises.

P 163: Click here to watch video tutorials on how to use the Nugget.

P 165: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations Exercises.

P 165: Click here to listen to the “Body Hacks” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare podcast.

P 167: Click here to message my team for personal evaluation!



P 174: Click here to listen to the “Body Hacks” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare radio show.

P 192: Click here for a video tutorial on neural flossing.

P 193: Click here to listen to the “Pre & Postnatal Care” episode of my Billionaire Healthcare radio show.

P 195: Click here to watch some samples of my I.C.E.® Foundations Exercises.


Reference Links:

Schleip, Robert. “Fascial Plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation Part 1.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2003. 7(1);11-19  

Schleip, Robert. “Fascial Plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation Part 2.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2003. 7(1);11-19  

Training Principles for Fascial Connective Tissue

Acute effects of anterior thigh foam rolling on hip angle, knee angle, and rectus femoris length in the modified Thomas test.

[Fibroblast-fibroclast: The ultrastructural mechanisms of resorption of collagen fibers in involution of the connective tissue].

Lysosome: regulator of lipid degradation pathways

[Fibroblasts and the development of the connective tissue: ultrastructural aspects of biosynthesis, fibrillogenesis and catabolism of collagen].

Effects of self-myofascial release: A systematic review

Sensory innervation of human thoracolumbar fascia. An immunohistochemical study

Nutrient supply and intervertebral disc metabolism.

Increased sliding of transverse abdominis during contraction after myofascial release in patients with chronic low back pain

Cottingham JT 1985 Healing through Touch – A History and a Review of the Physiological Evidence. Rolf Institute Publications, Boulder, CO2

Kruger L 1987 Cutaneous sensory system. In: Adelman G. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol 1. Birkha ̈ user, Boston, pp 293 

Van den Berg F, Cabri J 1999 Angewandte Physiologie – Das Bindegewebe des Bewegungsapparates verstehen und beeinflussen. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany 

Gellhorn E 1967 Principles of Autonomic– Somatic Integration: Physiological Basis and Psychological and Clinical Implications. University of Minesota Press, Minneapolis, MN 

Yahia L et al. 1992 Sensory innervation of human thoracolumbar fascia. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 63(2): 195–197 

Staubesand J, Li Y 1997 Begriff und Substrat der Faziensklerose bei chronisch-veno ̈ ser Insuffizienz. Phlebologie 26: 72–79 

Staubesand J et al. 1997 La structure fine de l’apone ́ vrose jambie` re. Phle ́ bologie 50: 105–113 

Meyers, Thomas W. 2001. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. 

Bauer J, Heine H 1998 Akupunkturpunkte und Fibromyalgie – Mo ̈ glichkeiten chirurgischer Intervention. Biologische Medizin 6: 257–261 

References: Fat lysis/metabolism

Irisin Stimulates Browning of White Adipocytes Through Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase p38 MAP Kinase and ERK MAP Kinase Signaling

1. Cinti  S. Adipocyte differentiation and transdifferentiation

Brown Adipose Tissue: Function and Physiological Significance

A PGC1-α-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis

FNDC5 and irisin in humans: I. Predictors of circulating concentrations in serum and plasma and II. mRNA expression and circulating concentrations in response to weight loss and exercise

Role of myokines in exercise and metabolism

Connecting Myokines and Metabolism

Purchase Ashley Black’s new Best Seller:

“The Cellulite Myth – it’s not fat, it’s FASCIA”!





Forget everything you’ve ever been told about cellulite … it’s a myth!

In this book fascia pioneer Ashley Black unveils never before known secrets to eradicating cellulite and changing your personal health trajectory. For years we’ve been conditioned to believe that cellulite is a fat problem, yet women of all body types – skinny, curvy, active, sedentary, old, and young alike struggle with it! In fact, 90% of all women report having cellulite … you are not alone! Get ready for the century’s most radical paradigm shift in health, fitness, and beauty!

Ashley Black & Joanna Hunt

Ashley Black is a renowned fascia expert, inventor, international business woman, and body guru to some of the world’s most influential billionaires, celebrities, and pro athletes. When she serendipitously crossed paths with Joanna Hunt – a best-selling ghostwriter that has worked with the top inspirational authors of our time – they knew they were destined to work together to bring Ashley’s life-changing discoveries to the world.

By combining their efforts, they created a dynamic interplay of science and inspiration packaged in a light-hearted, down-to-earth style that every person can grab hold of and digest.

What people are saying

“Not only are my ugly dimples smoothing away, but the way my entire body feels after each session is almost unbelievable! I feel like I’m getting the best workout I ever had.” – Nancy Schwartz

“I just can’t believe how much this has changed my life! I previously made peace with my flaws and thought I would just have to live with cellulite and all the aches and pain I was having. Well, not anymore. I’m a new person thanks to Ashley!” – Crystal Ferren

“I have had lipo twice and sure, for $3,000 my legs were smaller, but NOT smooth. I was told there was NOTHING that could be done. They were wrong! Now, after 3 months, my 46-year-old legs have never looked smoother!” –Karen Smith